Sojourn - Thoughts From The Band

Blog for postings from the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Sojourn. Includes musings and thoughts from band members, reports on concerts, and whatever floats through our minds.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Days Like These - Part I

Days Like These
Words and Music

These days shootin’ and fightin’
Have become pastimes of children
Mama said there’d be days
But love would overcome all of these

Lookin’ out my front door
See the people
They are dead and dying
The search
Don’t know what for
To heal their souls
So much hurt there

Mama I hear you callin’
But I can’t find
The loe you sent for me
Daddy, I’ve found your pathway
But the light’s grown dim
I know I’ve lost me way


This song is from my heart. It describes my neighborhood. It describes what I see out my front door. Teens saunter past my home each day like an endless stream of humanity happily parading to hell. I don't really know what's on kids hearts, but I have a feeling that many or most are not Christians.

I don't know who reads this blog, and some of you might be thinking, "so what if they're not Christians?" I believe 100% in saving faith. Saving, faith in Jesus Christ. Without it, I believe that you are lost. For more on that see my posts on Being a Christian Parts I and II (click the Roman numerals).

In one sense, lost means that you are going to Hell when you die. But it also relates to the fact that lost people are slaves to Satan. They have no choice. It is how everyone is born.

So I sit and watch these kids walk by my house. When I first moved here, I made the effort to get to know people, and get to a point to tell them about Jesus. Then they moved or they didn't want to hear it. Most of the kids that walk past my house are complete strangers to me. I can't just walk up to them and say, "Hey, man, you're lost. Become a Christian now!"

I pray, and nothing seems to happen, but my level of frustration goes up.

I'm posting this, because I so often post advice and counsel. I think that I need to post my struggles and doubts as well. I wish to tell everyone about Jesus, because we all need Christ, but the practical side of me isn't sure how to do it naturally so that it doesn't alienate every one at work and in my neighborhood. Or get me wacked because I'm in the face of perfect stranger telling him about my faith.

I don't know what to do. Christ is some one everyone needs to know.

I know that I can't do it. God can. So I wait and tap my foot wondering when God is going to do what He is going to do, and how I'll know what it is.

My wife and I have spoken about moving for a variety of reasons. If we do move, it will be with a sense of relief and sadness. Sadness that I had no opportunity to share in the joy of new life, new faith in the inner city of Kalamazoo.

What do you think?
You can post a comment in this blog or go to the Sojourn web site and visit our message board.


Friday, March 24, 2006

What Makes A Christian? Part II

What makes a Christian? What does it take to be one? The Baseline is found in the Bible in Genesis 15:6. It says that the man Abraham believed God, and God counted that as righteousness. Later in the New Testament portion of the Bible, Abraham is mentioned again as a man of faith. God was asking Abraham to believe in God's promise even though he saw no immediate tangible evidence. Abraham said yes to God, and acted on that belief. This is important, because it's really easy to say, "I believe in God".

Most everybody believes there is a God. Satan believes in God, and he is big time enemies with the Lord. By the way, yes there really is a real Satan. He's not pretend. Anyway, the saving belief is a life changing belief. It moves one to action. Now, Abraham was by no means perfect. He messed up a lot (so glad God is into forgiveness). Nevertheless, his life was centered on trusting and following what God said.

The next thing to see is that it's not enough just to believe in something. People say that now days. "Not important WHAT you believe in, just that you have faith." That's just plain old ignorance talking. What goof ball came up with that idea. Unless you believe in and follow the God of the Bible, you are out of luck.

There's another guy that had a very basic belief. When Jesus was being crucified for our sins, there were two other men being crucified for crimes. One of them hurled insults at Jesus, the other defended Christ, and said to Jesus, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" Jesus responded by saying, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." This man didn't know anything about Jesus dying for his sins nor that Christ would raise from the dead. He didn't even have a chance to live out his new life changing belief. However, Jesus knew what was in the man's heart, and saw that the man's faith was genuine.

So, it's not how much you know that counts. It's your willingness to give your life to Christ. Act on what you know, even if it is a little bit. Make a life changing decision of faith to believe in Jesus Christ. One more thing, I know this seems basic. Perhaps too simple. In one sense it is very simple, and it does not require that you be able to perform certain activities. Jesus takes you as you are no matter what you've done. At the same time it is very costly. God is a king. He is the creator. He wants you to give him your whole life. It will change you forever. Weird, but this free gift offered by Jesus costs everything.



Thursday, March 23, 2006

Emotional Glorification

It has come to my attention this week that God is in control. This week more than most due to an occurence in my own life and the events that happen in the world around us.

In the past I have written about my job. It is tedious, repetitive, and lacks any end. I'm not going to tell you that I quit my job and became a full-time drummer or a writer (obviously!) But, I have been reassigned within the company to a position that is an enormus compliment. We are trying a new business model and want the best people we can find, and they still chose me!

The only thing I can say to that is God is at work. I don't know what is going to come out of my earthly career, but 10 jobs in 5 years with the same company sure is interesting at least. He knows what the end looks like, He knows what I am feeling, and the only thing I can do is say thank you.

The other way I have seen God at work in emotions this week is in the news. First, I read a story about a muslim who converted to Christianity who could be receiving the death penalty. As a Chist follower, I know that suffering is in our contract, a part of the Christian experience. However, we have the compassionate feeling that he should not be put to death for something we can do freely in America. Afghan Supreme Court Judge Ansarullah Mawlavizada was quoted saying, "If he doesn't revert back to Islam, he's going to receive the death penalty, according to the law. " I can't imagine any Christian that wouldn't cringe at least a little at this kind of statement coming from someone in that authoritative position.

On the other end of that spectrum we see the jubilation today as three Christians were released from captivity in Iraq. The joy that their families must be feeling is beyond my scope.

I have found that in both my life and the life around us God is showing us a range of emotional reactions, only to save the best emotion for Himself. The love for God is like no other emotion on the earth.

I feel I have to make some reference to music so here it goes... It is almost like playing drums. You want to make accented notes sound more impactful so you play them louder. What you find is that all the notes get louder. What you really need to do is make the non-accented notes softer. This way, the accented notes sound even more imapctful.

Our love for God is the only accent. Our love for our spouse, nature, playing sports, computers, food, anything here is only a small fraction of what it is to love God. People often look forward to heaven as a place they will get to do all the things they have always wanted. I disagree. It will be the place we get to worshp God for eternity. That's heaven.


Links to the articles I referenced from BBC news:

British Iraq hostage Kember freed

Fears over Afghan convert trial

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What Makes A Christian?

What does make some one a Christian?

That's been on my mind for a while, because so often there are a million answers to that question. Sometimes we use special church words that don't necessarily make sense to the average person. Is there a formula? Are there certain steps that each person must experience in order to be considered a Christian? The first question really is who cares? Is it something everybody or anybody needs?

I have to go back to the source for these questions. The Bible. I know that there are lots of discussions and intellectual arguments about IF the Bible is true or fiction or if just parts of it are. Let's leave that one alone for now and just start with the belief that the Bible is exactly what it portrays itself to be: A message sent from God. For those of you who aren't into the Bible very much, God sends His message in two ways: 1) By showing us the lives (good and bad) of His special people: Moses, Abraham, etc. 2) Direct teaching: Like Jesus teaching or the letter from the Apostle Paul.

So, here is what I've learned from the Bible about who needs to be a Christian. Answer? EVERYONE

Let me explain. God made us to be with Him. God wasn't lonely or anything. He was enjoying creating. Everything He created (stars, planets, animals) everything was beautiful and really cool. He created people to enjoy and care for what He had created. In fact the Bible records God saying someting special just before he created the first human, "Then god said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness . . .'" (Genesis 1:26). Cool huh? We are made like God in that we have a sense of person hood, we imagine and create, and we have within us a undying spirit. What some people would call an eternal soul.

So what happened. Did God make this screwed up world the way it is? Gross. No that's not what happened. SIN happened. God created humans with the ability to choose. Choose to follow God's ways, His created laws, or to reject God. Well, the first man and woman chose to reject God's ways and follow their own ways. That rebellion was what brought sin into the world. From that moment, every person born was born with sin in their heart. Our seperates us from God. Sin is anything that I think or say or do that goes against God's laws. God is so pure, perfect and holy, that even my best efforts (on my own) are filthy garbage comparied to God. Sin can NOT be removed by good deeds alone.

Sin is a like a crime against God's goodness. Everyday when God views his creation he sees all the evil and junk that human kind has chosen to bring to the goodness He created. Everyday, each of us viaolates God's laws. The punishment for that crime is eternal death in Hell. Don't kid yourself either, if you think that Hell only starts after you die, look around you. Without Christ, life is just plain old screwed up.

If the sin in our hearts is a crime and the punishment for that crime is eternal death (starting now), is there anyway to be pardoned from my crime? Can anyone save me? The problem is that if God just lets us off the hook then He would be a corrupt judge. So God entered the world as a baby. Baby Jesus grew up to be a sinless man. In fact Jesus is completely God and completely man. Weird, but if you are God, what's the big deal right?

Jesus was on the earth teaching the way to have eternal life and it ticked off a bunch of religious fakes, so they killed him buy nailing Him to a cross (go watch the movie The Passion). Hah, the trick's on them, this was God's plan. The Bible says that on the cross Jesus became sin for me. Jesus paid the penalty through suffering and dying on the cross. But, that's not the end. Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.

We celebrate Jesus raising from the grave on Easter Sunday. Dying on the cross He canceled my debt of sin. Rising from the dead He canceled the power of death. Now all that's left is for you to excercise the power of choice that God has given you. Everyone who gives their life to Jesus will have eternal life. Life eternal is enjoying God forever. Starting now.

That's the abreviated teaching. More later.

Questions? Add a comment, visit our message board or e-mail me at Ada

Christian Faith - Would You Be Convicted?

I noticed this on the Associated Press and other news sources:

"Updated: 10:27 a.m. ET March 22, 2006 Abdul Rahman, 41, has been charged with rejecting Islam, a crime under this country’s Islamic laws. His trial started last week and he confessed to becoming a Christian 16 years ago. If convicted, he could be executed"

Under duress, under the threat of death, this man has confessed faith in Christ.

What other compelling evidence will be brought to bear as the prosecution tries to paint a picture of complete infidel. Perhaps there is the physical evidence of the Bible that "allegedly" belongs to Abdul. His family may testify to his sharing his new Christian faith, perhaps he was caught praying.

This goes back to the central question of what is being a Christian and what is it worth? In America there is a Christian sub culture that provides safe and worry free entertainment and services. Is that Christianity?

What is Christianity and what is there about it that is so worth dying for?

Here's another question, if you consider yourself a Christian, are you willing to be tortured and killed for your faith? Before you answer yes with enthusiasm and vigore, here is the follow on question, IF you are willing to suffer and die are you also willing to live your whole life pursuing a relationship with God first? Are you willing to place God at the center of your passions and desires to such an extent that even your very life seems secondary to knowing and pleasing God the Father?

That's a tougher question.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Christian Faith - Punishable by Death

On March 3rd, in China 17 leaders of a Chinese religious group are on trial because of their faith. While imprisoned they have been abused and assaulted. Sleep deprivation and electric shock to various parts of their body [I'll skip the details] where used to elicit false confessions. One defendant. Xu, urged everyone in the court to believe in Jesus; otherwise, they will one day face eternal judgments in heaven. He also urged his children to continue to follow Christ without fear." Government sources have said Xu and at least three co-defendants will be sentenced to death. (Reprinted from Voice of the Martyrs)

On March 3rd, two Muslim seminarians in Pakistan's Punjab province were found guilty today of murdering a Pakistani Christian, who died 22 months ago after being tortured to convert to Islam. Before a courtroom packed with Islamic madrassa students and police, Judge Javed Iqbal Warraich sentenced Maulvi Ghulam Rasool and Mohammed Tayyab to 25 years in prison for their part in torturing and killing Catholic university student Javed Anjum. Prosecution lawyer Khalil Tahir Sindhu told Compass he was pleased with the verdict, but he would appeal for the sentence to be changed to the death penalty. (Reprinted from Compass Direct)

I feel it's important to pass along some of this kind of news. All over the world there are people who so deeply and desperately want the hope of Christ that they are willing to suffer anything for it. In North Korea where possessing a Bible is punishable by public execution to Indonesia and India in which Christian organizations are burnt or vandalized. These people are attacked for their faith.

This is not simply academic agreement with a set of ideas. Their Christian faith is something so real that it overshadows and overwhelms all other experiences. In the Bible in John 8:36 it says "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." INDEED! It's like an affirmation. There is not doubt. It's not a partial freedom or a temporary freedom, but a definite freedom.

Freedom in Christ does not manifest itself in the form of cash or real-estate or ones circumstances in life. Our life on this earth is but a small microscopic spec of time when compared to the incomparable wealth and beauty of eternity. In God's perspective, you free because your soul, your very self is now under his authority, and no one can take from you your spiritual freedom.

True freedom lives in ones soul. Torture and death can not take it away. It is eternal and can not be defeated.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Who's Line is it Anyway

I've heard that God has a plan for me and all of us. I can understand that since He can create an entire universe, it should be pretty easy for Him do make things happen within it with His creation. One thing I am struggling to understand is why He doesn't tell us what the plan is. Why am I doing this job? Why do I have the relationships I have? Where is all this leading? Like in our song, Seasons, "If I could see the journey's end life would be so easy."

However, the song continues with, But would I need faith?" God doesn't tell us what is going to happen or what we see as outcomes like getting a new job, moving to a new location or relationships failing. It's almost like we are on the show Who's Line is it Anyway. They play a game where they have somebody, usually that Canadian guy Colin, stand in front of a green screen and act like a reporter. Then the other cast members ask him questions about the scene behind him while he trys to figure out what the scene is. Sometimes that is the way I feel. Why God do you want me to move away from my hometown? Why am I in a job where I don't feel qualified? Where are you leading me?

The place it is leading is the glorification of God. That's all the hope I need.


Read Seasons lyrics and others at:

All My Dreams

All my dreams, Lord
Dreams that I once had
For my life
For my loved ones
For my friends
I given them all to You
Lord, I’ve given them all to You

Nothing else really matters
Nothing else will be of value
In eternity
My dreams, my plans, my life
For You, dear Lord

So why, Father, should I cling
To what I thought were perfect plans
For me and mine?
What I cling to now
Is You, Lord Jesus

I had plans, big plans. Most of my plans fell through. I thought, wouldn’t it help God if I were . . . or I could . . . Everyone would finally see that I’m somebody.
I suffered through years of disappointment, trying to achieve my perfect dreams. Then came the disappointment with God, the anger at Him for not giving me what I wanted. Then finally I gave up in defeat.

No matter how hard or faithfully I prayed for that big record deal or that big string of financially successful bookings, they didn’t happen. What also didn’t happen is that I was not having an authentic relationship with God. There was nothing vital or living in my "walk" with the Lord. At the same time I was purporting to be a spiritual guide as I sang and spoke about the Lord.
God stripped away my dreams and returned to me desires and cravings that were far more satisfying and enjoyable. It hasn’t happened all at once. I learn the important lessons slowly and cling to old habits with a tenaciousness that rivals a steel vise grip.

However, lately I’ve been tasting the pleasure and satisfaction of knowing God and interacting with Him. It has a rich and filling quality to it, it’s also unnerving. Last time my church held communion I had an unusual experience. I was serving communion, but I felt that I had attitudes and thoughts that were wicked. I confessed this to God. I told Him that I didn’t feel like I deserved anything and that my confession didn’t make me feel different, but I was trusting in his promise of forgiveness. I thanked Him and shortly thereafter stepped out to begin serving communion. At that moment I felt something wash over me, and I felt as if I had just been purified. It was an exquisite and liberating experience.

I don’t expect that to happen every time I take communion, but it’s an example of a newness that is coming into my relationship with God.

My dreams used to be wrapped up in financial and public success. Now, gradually, my desires, passions, and joys are wrapping themselves around the person of God the Father and Jesus my savior. The Lord is becoming my chief joy, and consequently, in Him, life is becoming more stable and pleasurable.

Adam M. Parmenter

Monday, March 13, 2006

You Played What? Where?

You: So, how was the Library gig?

Me: It was a library and we tried to play music, how do you think it went!?!

Actually, it went better than I thought. I had no idea of what it was supposed to be like, but here it goes…

We arrived at the Portage District Library for a war-themed artistic exhibition, set up everything (near the music section), started to check stuff out sound-wise and quickly realized that we were greatly over playing the room. Of course at a library coughing could be considered over playing.

The group did well adjusting to the quiet room. I used multi-rods instead of sticks to quiet things down a bit. The other guys did what they could (turn stuff down) including Adam giving a more subdued vocal performance.

Again, some of the highlights for me were the old stuff that was already soft like All My Dreams. The group really seemed to gel together and form a unit to produce a smooth sound. On the more outspoken Big Mouth (no pun intended), it was fun to make different musical decisions than we might have if we were playing at full force. It was defiantly a learning experience and an enjoyable afternoon.

Come see us soon, check out:


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dream On . . .

Had a dream one night that I was helping birth a child. I was not a doctor in the dream, but I was helping a woman deliver, and then cleaning up the baby.

My wife says that a dream like that symbolizes an internal belief that something new and hopeful is comming my way.

Later I had a dream that I was testing a road. Somehow I would drive an icepick into the asphalt, and determine the depth of the road. It reminds me of the the new Sojourn CD, "The Journey Continues".

Perhaps I believe that there is something new coming my way, and I am being careful to test it's depth or substance. Am I unwilling to so easily dive into the shallow? Perhaps it's an urge for lasting change in my life.

Birthing an infant is certainly a lasting change.

Often my dreams revolve around a decrepid old house that is very much in need of repairs (like my house now). The house in my dream is often the same one: quite tall and rather gothic in appearance. In this series of dreams there is a room on the upper floor at the back corner of the house that is structurally unsound. The floor slopes up, and is about ready to collapse. To the casual visitor this room is hidden. One of these dreams I was just trying to decide what to do with the dangerous floor. It was unstable and bounced wildly when I walked on it. Later I remember having a dream in which I simply put a good coat of paint on the room.

I woke up from that thinking, "Covering it up won't fix the damage." Interestingly enough, God has been dealing with me to be an authentic person.

Say what I believe.

Believe what I say.

Do what I say I believe.

One way I describe authentic is "What you see is what you get". However, to really get my idea of authentic is adding to that by saying, "What you see in me is what I believe is true". I want to hold fast to my beliefs and live them out. I want to be the real deal. So, one of my prayers to God is that He will change me. I want to be an example of how God can transform a man into some one who is like Jesus.

So, I don't just want to make a show of it. I don't just want to look good, look like a Christian on the surface, but be unstable on the inside. I want my insides to show on the outside, and I want my inside and my outside to be equally pleasing to Christ.

So, I suppose like the dream with the road, I'm testing to see how deep my life goes. Making every effort to dig deep into myself and ask for change. Dig deep into the word, and strive to have a prayer life that is intimate and genuine.

I suppose something new is being born within me. I pray that it grows in strength and is a reflection of the savior.

Curious what happens in the next dreams.

What are some dreams that you've had? Dreams that seem to say something to you.

Leave a comment or swing by the Sojourn message forum (


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Lion, The Witch and Temptation

Disclaimer: The opinions here are 100% mine (Adam Parmenter) and not necessarily the views of Sojourn. Every post won't have a disclaimer, but I'm digging into to some sensative issues for which Sojourn doesn't have an official stand. I'm terrible at spelling and I type to fast, so any typos are purely me.


In the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, the White Queen was coldly beautiful and graceful in a sort of hollow way. She was really a witch that had taken the form of a queen. She could be charming and kind if it suited her purposes to do so. Inside, her heart was cold, and she was bent on only one objective: gaining and keeping power. Gaining and keeping control.

In real life, the Devil works to disguise his evil as good, deceiving people with just enough good to trick them into turning to evil. The Bible says, “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” He gives just enough truth to make his evil sound right.

An Islamic terrorist is trained to have an ardent fervor for God. Serving God is good. Being fervent and devoted is good. Blowing yourself up to kill others . . . not good, that’s from Satan. I’m hungry and I want steak for dinner tonight. I deserve to eat. Isn’t right that I should eat? I’ll only steal one steak. That won’t break the stores pocket book.

God created beauty. Satan twists beauty into fashion trends that pump men and women for billions a year, face lifts, tummy tucks, crash diets, and a million other ways to spend money so that other people will want to look at me.

God created sex. He did. He created sex for the enjoyment and bonding of a husband and wife. It is part of the marriage relationship. Satan twists sex into sex appeal and sells it back to us as lust. Sex has become a recreational activity, but God meant sex to be special, pure, wonderfully enjoyable, and the joining of only one man and one woman. It creates a picture of how God’s spirit joins with his people. Well sin and Satan have trashed that one to Hell (no pun intended).

God created a woman's womb to be a safe, nurturing home that brings a baby into the world. Satan has tempted people's selfishness and has brought murder into the world. Abortion is murder that activists disguise as dignity. The abortion activists use words like "choice" and imply that woman are being repressed by being forced to deliver a baby that is not according to their choosing. In doing so the baby is reduced to the status of a tissue mass, an acquisition that will help the woman self actualize. Abortion is sold as a loving, freeing choice, and it has reeked havoc in the lives of pregnant women the world over.

God created us humans to seek and experience pleasure, with our greatest pleasures and desires culminating in union with God Himself. In fact God created us with an inborn desire to be one with Him. When that union with God is born out of the truth of the Bible, and the Beliver fully engages in a relationship with the creator, there is pleasure, joy, happiness. God created us with a desire for that fulfillment. Satan and sin have twisted that into people filling an inborn hunger for God with drugs, over eating, sex , fame, fashion, power, money, and everything else but God.

It’s easy to be brought into Satan’s lies when there is just enough good coated onto the front end. I heard spoke of a young man who was in need of funds for school and had no way of earning enough money. He turned to stripping at a club to earn the cash he needed. He was spoken of admirably as having done whatever it takes to make it through school. According to the prevailing wisdom that young man was determined, persistent, and resourceful.

There is such a twisting of right and wrong, bad stuff disguised as good. I feel like a prudish retch condemning all the many evil things that seem to make everyone so happy, and it’s all because of one basic principle. I believe that the Bible is the absolute truth and points to the only way to have real life. It’s at that point that I would be the one dropping out of college rather than compromise what I believe.

I actually did that. I had finished my bachelor’s degree in communication. A communications bachelors is a fairly general course of study and I didn’t really see how it opened up many great career paths for me. It probably could have, but I just didn’t see it. Then I saw a course of study called Music Therapy. That seemed perfect! So I went back to school. I started hunting for financial aid, but could only get loans. My voice teacher explained to me how I could fool the system in order to get various grants so that I could finish my degree. It had to do with answering questions on forms in just the right way. I wouldn't be hurting anyone, but I would be helping myself get a valuable education. An education is a good thing, and I could use music therapy to help others.

I ended up quitting school instead. I had been married for two years and had a new baby. I also needed to get to work and pull my own weight. I don’t want to make myself sound like some kind of saint, but the good of finishing a degree of study, would not have made up for the evil of lying. To my voice teaching it wasn’t lying. It was just making do so that one could get through school.

Evil masquerading as good.

Satan is our enemy, and at least for now, he has sway in this world. He twists good toward his evil direction and offers it up to us. Problem is we’ve chosen it over the pure pleasures of God’s grace. Satan is our enemy and we have embraced him as a friend.


Hope For Pop Music? - Maybe

Quick disclaimer: The opinions here are 100% mine (Tim Hamm) and not necessarily the views of Sojourn. Also, if there are spelling or grammar goofs, that’s my fault too.

This week has seen the release of a new solo CD from Pink Floyd guitarist/vocalist David Gilmour. The CD is titled “On An Island”, and is available at most retail outlets.

In my opinion, this CD may be one of the most anticipated of 2006. The “buzz” around this release has been quietly growing over the past weeks.

On Tuesday, I picked up a copy at Best Buy, for the “sale” price of $9.99.

I am here to tell you that this release is truly the “exception” to what you typically hear in music today. This release is full of soft melodies, outstanding guitar work, and just of “hint” of the Pink Floyd rock sounds. There is David’s distinctive voice, but his guitar mastery is certainly on display here (albeit in a subtle way). This is one of those CDs that will make nice “relaxing” music, while still maintaining a connection for the Pink Floyd fan.

A good description may be it sounds like a combination of the Pink Floyd track “Wish You Were Here” combined with “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”, except that the music is a bit softer and “intimate”.

From the Christian persepctive, this release is full of such beautiful melodies and soft music, that I find it actually reminding me of the beauty God has for us in this world. I don’t know where David Gilmour stands with his belief in Christ, but that doesn’t mean Christians can’t find beauty in this music.

I will be watching the Billboard charts to see how this release comes out. I’m hoping to see it close to #1, as maybe this may show there is still some hope for the pop music genre (not everyone is buying Kidz Bop 9, I hope).

Now, if we can just get a professing Christian to come up with something this creative and appealing, while generating a large level of attention.

If you've managed to hear some of this David Gilmour release, offer your thoughts.

For those interested, the entire release is "streaming" at

Tim Hamm

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Living In Enemy Territory – And Loving It!

Quick disclaimer: The opinions here are 100% mine (Adam Parmenter) and not necessarily the views of Sojourn. Also, if there are spelling or grammar goofs, that’s my fault too.


During a war, the most dangerous place to be is in the heart of the enemy’s territory. It’s even worse to be captured and placed in a detention camp. Imagine that it’s World War II, and you’re an American soldier who finds himself stuck in the heart of Hitler’s Germany. You spend every day trying to find a way out. You hide or use a disguise to avoid being captured. There in the heart of the enemy’s power, all you can think about is going home.

What if over time you gave up on getting out and just settled down to make the best of it. You learned German, got a job, and even started raising a family. The newspapers would remind you of where you are, but more and more you are able to ignore Hitler and the war and simply enjoy the good things that are so abundant in your new home. When the war finally ends, you are discovered and branded a traitor by your home land.

Sounds like a crazy story? Who would do that? People did, and still do. We have an enemy. The Bible calls him the Devil.
“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” I Peter 5:7 NIV translation of the Bible.
The devil is everyone’s enemy. If you’re a Christian then the Devil is your arch-enemy. The Bible teaches that when Adam and Eve, the first humans, rebelled against God it was at the deceptive promptings of the Devil. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, sin entered into human kind, and the Devil became the “Prince of the Power of the Air”.

It may sound weird, but at that point, the Devil became an authority over this world. God has always been the sovereign king, but when men and women chose sin over God, they also chose the Devil as their prince. For a time, this world became the Devil’s territory.

The Devil is also known as Satan, the Deceiver or Accuser. He was originally called Lucifer which means Morning Star. Lucifer was not originally our arch-enemy, but was an arch angel. He was the most beautiful and wisest angel in creation, the top of the order, and served in the presence of God. In the Bible, the book of the prophet Isaiah records this:
“How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’” Isaiah 14:12-15

Lucifer wanted to be like God. Not in the good way, but in a way that put Him at God’s level. There is only one God. Satan was thrown down. That’s when the war started. Problem is the earth is now enemy territory. If you’re a Christian, your home land is not this present earth. Your homeland is in the presence of God in heaven. For this short life on earth, we are living in enemy territory.

Lucifer, deceptively beautiful and crafty, is bent on twisting and destroying what God has made. His lies and destructive agenda have infiltrated the cultures throughout the world. Problem is that most of us like it here. We’ve lost site of what is normal and good and have come to see this broken and twisted world as normal.

We’re living in enemy territory and loving it.

More tomorrow.


If Jesus were on earth today, what job would he have?

It’s interesting to think about Christ on earth.


I have a job where I am not directly responsible for anything.  I supervise, maintain, update, recap, and analyze.  I do not create, destroy, end, begin, design, decide, or any other activity where there is anything produced.  Most of my tasks involve communicating between people who decide something and people who execute that plan.  Then when the plans change, I look like the fool.


My thoughts immediately go to Christ.  How would Jesus keep this desk under control?  How would he maintain order between plans, revised plans, and new revised plans?  How accepting of this am I?  Why do I worry about little things like this?  Why can’t I be more like him?


What makes me feel better is that God is in control.  He knows what I am thinking, He knows what I feel.  I am comforted that I have a relationship with the Maker of the universe who knows the entire story of my life.  The thing that keeps me up at night is that He also knows when this feeling of uselessness is going to end, but He hasn’t told me yet!




Monday, March 06, 2006

New Drummer in Town

As much as we want to feature the new album, The Journey Continues, I have found an equal amount of enjoyment in some of the older stuff the guys (and families) have written collectively.

I can’t even quote the stuff because I don’t even have a copy of it! Most of the songs are cool, casual, light songs that are right up my alley as a more subdued drummer. Having never heard these tunes with drums gives me my first crack at an empty canvas. Not completely empty, but one lacking the highs and lows, a rigid structure, or a backbone.

One of the coolest songs is Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Nice lyrical textures and excellent word selection puts a great smooth touch to our live shows. Another that I have heard on Once Again is Sometimes We Weep. This one played right into my lighter style nicely. Not that I think Denny did a poor job, we just don't have the same sensibility, any preference between the two is purely opinion. I think the chorus is great at narrating our lives when we lay down the crown of salvation for the ways of the world. The only thing we truly have to hold onto is the rock, the only one, Jesus Christ.

I’ve received a crown
Taken it off and laid it down
Cried out for help as I started to drown
Then I clung to the rock for all that I could be
If I hasten to you Lord
Will you hasten to me?

See you at a show soon! Here's a list of upcoming events:

Culture & Arts - 14th Annual MOVIEGUIDE® Faith & Values Awards

(Quoted from Agape Press

"Disney and Walden Media's The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, WB's 7th Heaven, ABC TV's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and PAX TV's Sue Thomas: F.B. Eye won the three biggest honors at the 14th Annual MOVIEGUIDE® Faith & Values Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry, held in the Grand Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel Thursday night (March 2)."

"The glittering event . . . was held just days before the 78th Annual Academy Awards in Hollywood and attracted more than 150 celebrities, Hollywood executives, producers, writers, and directors and their guests."


Top movie honors went to The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia were part of the fabric of my childhood. Aslan was a name my whole family new as did many of my friends. I'm a little embarassed to say that I haven't read all of the books, but I read Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe several times as a child and as an adult.

This my stun some purists, but I thought that the movie enhanced the story telling in ways that Lewis could not have. If memory serves correct, the movie in its opening scenes bring to life what Lewis only hinted at. My father was in World War II, and so I have a special interest in that aspect of the story. I felt the deep need of Edmond to have his father at home. In a child's mind the promise of having mom and dad both at home is often a promise that the world will once again feel safe. Accept for a photograph, Edmond's father was invisible, and that made the trials of war all the more hellish.

As the movie progresed I felt a thrill as each character was faithfully presented and brought to life. When Aslan said, "It is finished" I felt chills run up my spine as this was a quote from Jesus' very words in John 19:30.

The movie has generated a small amount of controversy over what elements were just like the book and what weren't. What I say is that Disney/Walden presented a fun movie with good acting, interesting story, suspence, action, cool visuals that my whole family enjoyed. They never got schmaltzy nor did they have to descend to sexuality or gor in order to sell the movie.

I saw it twice in the theatre and plan to purchase the DVD.

It urks me that the "Academy" and Golden Globes decided to ignore it. I thought Tilda Swinton who played the White Witch did a subtle and compelling performance. Georgie Henley, Lucy, wasn't so bad either. I'm sure how often child actors get Oscars though.

The box office didn't ignore it, and I'm excited to say that the second movie "Prince Caspien" is in Pre-production. I'm ready for it now, but it will be worth the wait.


Seasons - Part 2

Eb and flow
Each in turn
Blessings and trials
Bound together
Pave the road ahead

I've been blessed with such an exceptional marriage. My wife is loving and supportive. Our relationship is both romantic and collegial. I love my children. My kids are also my friends. I absolutely enjoy spending time with them. My family is a rich blessing in my life.
I've experienced a fair amount of Chronic pain over the last three years. A mild case of Fibromyalgia. In that regard I live in a continuum from discomfort to pain throughout the joints in my body. It robs me of sleep.

Both of those experiences form the road of my life like the cobblestones in a country lane. I would never have chosen chronic pain or a sleep problems as a character building experience, but looking back it has made me a stronger man.

I lost energy, endurance, and freedom in many ways when I started having pain (at the same time I started struggling with allergies and sleep abnormalities). I went through a year of a growing self-pity. At that point I was doing Sojourn full time. I was going to make it into a full time, income-producing venture. I made some money from it, but never enough to cover expenses, and over two years consistently operated in the red.

I was so angry with God, I used to scream at Him. "Don't you care what happens to me? Aren't I trying to serve you with Christian music?" I railed at god. The truth is I wanted to be famous and wealthy. At an even deeper level I wanted to prove to all the people that mocked my desire to be a musician that I am somebody.

It all fell through.

My brother Kerry just sent me this quote,
"I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done." Henry Ford

Throughout my life I have set very high standards for myself, and rarely met them. In fact I often fall very short o them. Most of the time I have been trying to do the right thing, but ended up being wrong. Other times I thought that I was doing what God wanted, but approached it with a self centered attitude (or maybe was wrong again). Other times I've goofed.

My mind seems to capture a list, a litany of failure that looms large in my self image.
The quote from Henry Ford describes people who innovate, accomplish new things, or improve on current things. Thomas Edison "invented" the light bulb. No one could convince him that it couldn't be done. He failed 100 times.

". . . Lincoln was a partner in a grocery store that failed, leaving him with a heavy burden of debt. "

These men are not viewed as failures. They achieved big, and the failed big.
Individuals who achieve great things need to feel free to fail. Fail 99 times before succeeding. We all also need to change our definition of success. The measuring stick of money, power, and fame, are empty.

As you've seen in other posts, I'm on the other side of numerous life changing failures and struggles. I'm starting to see them differently. I see that god uses all things in my life for His glory (Romans 8:28), and I'm also seeing that God has not left me to the whim of chance. "A man plans his own ways, but the Lord orders his steps" (where is that one in the Bible?).
It's not enough to say God can use my mistakes for His glory. Instead, I say, that as I seek God, He will teach and develop me through experiences of both pain and pleasure. Thomas Edison was sincerely trying to do a good thing, and failed. Those failures gave him information that he used to succeed.

So, as the journey continues, I want to be free to fail, and to learn from the failure. Not so that I will be timid about trying, but so that I will have the wisdom to attempt new things more effectively.

The journey continues.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Waiting on God -- Whatever The Cost

(Quoted from – “The Supreme Court of Indonesia has denied the appeal of three Sunday school teachers arrested and charged with breaking the law by allegedly coercing children to convert to the Christian faith. The teachers were accused of enticing Muslim children to participate in the program and coercing them with gifts to convert from Islam to Christianity. [Defense] attorneys furthermore pointed out that the Christian teachers always required and obtained parental consent before allowing any child to attend their voluntary Sunday school program. Nevertheless, the three women were declared guilty and each was sentenced to three years in jail.

“During the trial, Muslim terrorists protested outside the courtroom, threatening to kill the women, pastors, missionaries, and judges if the Christians were acquitted.”
There is an upside to this. We know that God is able to keep these women from jail, but has allowed them to go through this time of trial for a reason. The imprisoned Christian teachers report that their faith is giving them strength and courage. “Zakaria, [one of the imprisoned teachers] who wakes early each day to pray and read her Bible, intercedes for the guards as well as for her fellow prisoners, and she has even been privileged to lead others to Christ while behind bars. She calls their present environment not a jail but their "School of Trust Bible School."

These brave Christian women did not protest, boycott, or lead a contentious public debate. They served others, shared their faith, and provided an example of Christ for others. That was their crime. Now God has led them through a very difficult time. A “valley of the shadow of death” as Psalm 23 would have it. While God will use them to spread the hope of Jesus Christ to others in the prison, he may also have them there for other reasons they will never know. They have three years to wait. They can use those three years to stew and fret or they can consider this time of waiting a sweet gift from God. I bet they will very natural do both, and have to daily struggle to rely on God for hope. When their three year term is up, I believe that they will emerge stronger and more determined then ever. My prayer for them is that their courage will be stronger and that they will continue, as before, to live as an example of Christ so that others can learn to follow him also.

P.S. Love to hear your comments on this blog, or at the Sojourn message board. If you haven’t visited the Sojourn web site in a while, stop by at