Sojourn - Thoughts From The Band

Blog for postings from the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Sojourn. Includes musings and thoughts from band members, reports on concerts, and whatever floats through our minds.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Parmenter Missions March Update

This is a reprint of the Monthly Parmenter Family Missions e-Mail Update

To see more regular postings on Parmenter Missions efforts go to


Marge and I have two requirements before we are cleared to attend Candidate Seminar. One is to complete a doctrinal oral exam. The second is to go on a survey trip. The more we learn the more we feel a draw to Eastern Europe, and the Czech Republic in particular. So, I'm committing time each day to beef up my understanding of the core teachings of our Christian faith. The idea being that Marge and I will be able to articulate what we believe and point to where that belief is supported in the Bible. It's a little daunting to think of such an exam, but the study has invigorated my mind and heart, and brought into a deeper sense of awe and wonder at who God is. I'm also taking a leadership training course with the deacons at our home church Bethel Baptist. Marge is studying for the doctrinal exam as well, but is also kept very busy learning how to cook for the kids and me with our new diet restrictions. No gluten and no mild proteins (and a few other restrictions). The diet change has improved my health and mental function measurably. It's had a big impact on the children as well. My wife is an encouragement to us.


My weekend with Pastor Barnes from the Czech Republic went well (see previous update). It was sobering to realize that Marge and I are feeling more and more drawn to this place. I spoke some more with Don Trott the Missions Mobilizer from ABWE and with Pastor Barnes, and we agreed that now is the time to schedule a survey trip. I also found out that applicants for service in Eastern Europe are required to take a survey trip and ABWE wants us to do so prior to attending Candidate Seminar. We've set a date for 2-June-2007 through 12-June-2007. I don't have many more details about it yet, but those will develop as the time draws near. The survey trip will differ from a typical missions trip in that the purpose is to get as big of a dose of the culture and ministry as possible. So, I'm hoping that we use mass transit, do things like shop in the grocery store and make our way around town. That gives us a feel for the first year on the field. I also hope that we can meet as many of the families from the church there as possible. The trip presents challenges of financing and locating a competent Christian adult to stay with the children while we travel. It will be exciting and affirming to see how God provides. PLEASE

Pray that we as a family each will develop and continue a daily time of quiet with God. Pray that we would grow to enjoy these times, and guard those times.
Pray that we would continue to learn how to both step out in faith, and exercises prudent wisdom.
Pray that we would trust in God to provide our finances. Pray that we would have a trusting child-like faith.


My family and I are grateful for those who have chosen to send money. I haven't seen a list of who has donated yet, so I can't thank you personally. However, enough generous donations have come into Bethel to cover the cost of my trip to Newark last weekend, and to cover the cost of purchasing passports in preparation for the trip to the Czech Republic. I don't have the exact costs yet, but it could cost us as much as $3,000. We are thrilled over how God has provided so far, and know that he will equip us to do all that He has planned. As always, please don't feel any pressure to give money. Your prayers and friendship are most important. However, if you feel God leading you to help monetarily, send donations to:
ATTN: Donation for Parmenter Missions
Bethel Baptist Church
402 South Westnedge
Kalamazoo, MI 49007


I'm not afraid any more. I just realised that today. For quite a while I was having missions panic attacks. When I decided to travel to Newark to meet with Pastor Barnes, I was very worried. Now I'm getting this feeling of calm. I'm realising that I'm safer taking risks with God than living in my own will. This experience has made me a better man and drawn me closer to God.
In Christ,
Adam Parmenter
On behalf of Marge and the kids


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