Sojourn - Thoughts From The Band

Blog for postings from the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Sojourn. Includes musings and thoughts from band members, reports on concerts, and whatever floats through our minds.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Days Like These - Part I

Days Like These
Words and Music

These days shootin’ and fightin’
Have become pastimes of children
Mama said there’d be days
But love would overcome all of these

Lookin’ out my front door
See the people
They are dead and dying
The search
Don’t know what for
To heal their souls
So much hurt there

Mama I hear you callin’
But I can’t find
The loe you sent for me
Daddy, I’ve found your pathway
But the light’s grown dim
I know I’ve lost me way


This song is from my heart. It describes my neighborhood. It describes what I see out my front door. Teens saunter past my home each day like an endless stream of humanity happily parading to hell. I don't really know what's on kids hearts, but I have a feeling that many or most are not Christians.

I don't know who reads this blog, and some of you might be thinking, "so what if they're not Christians?" I believe 100% in saving faith. Saving, faith in Jesus Christ. Without it, I believe that you are lost. For more on that see my posts on Being a Christian Parts I and II (click the Roman numerals).

In one sense, lost means that you are going to Hell when you die. But it also relates to the fact that lost people are slaves to Satan. They have no choice. It is how everyone is born.

So I sit and watch these kids walk by my house. When I first moved here, I made the effort to get to know people, and get to a point to tell them about Jesus. Then they moved or they didn't want to hear it. Most of the kids that walk past my house are complete strangers to me. I can't just walk up to them and say, "Hey, man, you're lost. Become a Christian now!"

I pray, and nothing seems to happen, but my level of frustration goes up.

I'm posting this, because I so often post advice and counsel. I think that I need to post my struggles and doubts as well. I wish to tell everyone about Jesus, because we all need Christ, but the practical side of me isn't sure how to do it naturally so that it doesn't alienate every one at work and in my neighborhood. Or get me wacked because I'm in the face of perfect stranger telling him about my faith.

I don't know what to do. Christ is some one everyone needs to know.

I know that I can't do it. God can. So I wait and tap my foot wondering when God is going to do what He is going to do, and how I'll know what it is.

My wife and I have spoken about moving for a variety of reasons. If we do move, it will be with a sense of relief and sadness. Sadness that I had no opportunity to share in the joy of new life, new faith in the inner city of Kalamazoo.

What do you think?
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