Sojourn - Thoughts From The Band

Blog for postings from the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Sojourn. Includes musings and thoughts from band members, reports on concerts, and whatever floats through our minds.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Going Deeper

There are times when everything is going well and I feel like I'm in a pit. My job couldn't be better (other than I might get laid off), and things are generally o.k.

It's at times like this that I want to run away, I want God to make everything all better. Instead, God answers with silence. I am forced to trust and practice what I say that I believe.

I believe that God is all power and always good. I also believe that He is all knowing.

That means He knows I feel this way, and continues to allow it for His purposes. Now I'm put to the test: Do I really believe this stuff? Do I trust God even when He allows me to feel this retched?

In the Bible, Romans 8:28 it talks about all things (even the bad stuff) working out for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes.

There are times when I don't sleep well, and I feel emotionally drained. I want for God to make it all better, and typically He does not. This time around, I'm doing a little better at gritting my teeth and riding it out. I'm already on some kind of medication and more is not always better. I'm learning that depression, pain, or disappointment do not define me. Instead, my relationship with God, and how I react to trials defines who I really am.

It's a tough lesson to learn. I'm learning it little by little. It's a lesson I need.

Ultimately, I can look back over the last five, ten, and fifteen years and see the emotional/spiritual growth. It has been through God presenting me with disappointment and emotional trials that has strengthened me as a man. These times never are pleasant, but when I look back on them I know I'll see how far I've come.

Drop me a note or visit Sojourn on-line


Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Inner Life - Going deeper


No matter how much I go around telling others about my Christian faith, I won't be able to spread peace on earth! There is that thinking sometimes. Actually, far worse is that some celebrities will go around saying that if we just all visualize world peace it will come. They think that, and say that, because the misunderstand the true nature of the inner life.

I on my own do not have the power to change the direction of world events or even the course of over all history in my own life. It is God who is the master of all that exists.

In the Bible, inProverbs 16:9 it says "A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps"

It is God who has overall control over the events of history. God sees all from the beginning to end. The path to world peace, begins at the path to inner peace. That inner peace must be peace with God. Only God's wisdom, can lead us in the way that He knows is right.

Proverbs 3:5-8 says "Trust in God with all your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Don't be wise in your own eyes. Fear Yahweh, and depart from evil. It will be health to your body, and nourishment to your bones."

Trust in God, by first studying what he says in the Bible.

Want to know more?

Drop me an e-mail.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Peace on Earth

Will there be peace in our time?

No. I'm sorry to say.

If I spread the truth to enough people, would it be possible for their to be peace across the whole earth?

No, and most cultures wouldn't even think that way. Americans are a media based society. We have become indoctrinated by a culture that looks to commercials, movies, television, best selling books, and popular music to tell us what is important and what we should be like.

We dress in fads, we do what is the new best thing? We are herd animals that wouldn't dream of doing anything other than what is the most popular. Whatever the new addiction is everyone wants to try it.

The truth of God's word is not a fad or an addiction. It's a relationship. The divorce rate in our country demonstrates that as a society we don't understand the shear effort involved in a thriving relationship. A relationship with God takes a commitment of time and effort. Let me state it this way, if you want to be a Christian, you must be willing and eager to give all of yourself to God.

There are many other cultures that do not follow in lemming like fashion. Some European respect debate and intelligent conversation. Others would look down on you for your sincere beliefs and would doubt you until you proved yourself. Still other cultures might look for the evidence of power in your life, and not just words.

I find that as my relationship with God becomes deeper and more genuine, my life becomes more compelling to other people. So ultimately it isn't my efforts that will bring peace on earth or save anyone from eternal judgment. Instead it is the evidence of the living Christ at work within me that draw people to what I am saying or singing.


Please join us and post your comments at our message board at

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Jerry Falwell (is that a bad word these days?), in his "Falwell Confidential" recently brought attention to a situation in India that immediately caught my attention. It has to do with Christians being abused simply becuase of their faith.

Mr Fallwell said this:
"All over the world, Christians are persecuted for their faith. Some are jailed for meeting in non-state-sanctioned house churches; some are beaten because they dare to express faith in Jesus Christ; some are beaten and killed when they refuse to renounce their faith in Christ." Hope Givers International of India . EMI and Hope Givers sponsor and run orphanages in India.

Compass Direct reports "March 16 (Compass) – Rajasthan state police officers today arrested the Rev. Dr. Samuel Thomas, president of Emmanuel Mission International (EMI) and son of Archbishop M.A. Thomas, EMI’s founder. "

Michael Glenn, who directs Hope Givers said, "Pray for our ongoing efforts to negotiate the release of Dr. Thomas. His leadership is urgently needed at the Hope Home orphanages and hospital we support in Kota. The longer this harassment goes on, the more the welfare of the children and patients will suffer."

Mr. Falwell, staff and students at Liberty University have launched an international prayer chain, and are asking for anyone willing to pray for Dr. Thomas. Please, join me in praying for this courageous Christian man. However, perhaps it's best not to spend most of your time praying for his safe release. Instead put the most of your efforts into praying that he will be a bold witness for Christ at every opportunity, and that both EMI and Hope Givers will sense God's presence and direction. Pray that these two vital ministries will emerge far stronger and even more vital after this experience.

I'll be praying that Dr. Thomas will indeed be freed, and that when he is set free, that he will see clear evidence that God was powerfully directing and prospering the work of Hope Givers and EMI while he was in jail.

What more powerful message could there be to the world? "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Hope Givers and EMI are God's efforts to bring comfort and hope to orphaned children in India. No person can stop that or hinder the work if God wiants it to continue.


Please, let me know


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Lie Down In Peace

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8

I'm so used to working hard to achieve results, and so convinced the only things worth getting are the things that I work to achieve. It has taken me years to see the failure of that approach. I used to say to my wife, "I don't go to bed when I'm sleepy, I go to bed when I'm ready to give up."

The end of the day always reminded me of what I had not accomplished.
What a crummy way to live.

I'm not suggesting that we roll over and let God stroke our tummy, spoon feed us a wipe our. . .
What I am suggesting is that we all must be vigorously working with one goal in mind: Knowing And Enjoying God. When that it is our utmost target, all the other important things will happen.

Another Psalm says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Get the point here, when I am delighted by some one, my thoughts and desires revolve around that person. My direction in life changes. If I'm so into God that I find my self enjoying him, delighting in him, I'm going to desire those things that bring us closer together. I'm not going to be chasing down junk God hates.

In fact if you keep reading in that Psalm it goes on to say "He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, . ." You see, God's ultimate design is not to give you as much stuff as possible. It is to bring Glory to Himself by making you more like Him. In that process you are going to enjoy and take pleasure in it. Not because you are supposed to or God is making you. The things of God really are cool! They are enjoyable, and it feels really good to be close in a relationship with the Lord.

God designed us to be really tight with Him. It makes sense, that when He makes us more like Himself, we are more satisfied and happy.
More later.

Do you think I'm full of baloney in what I'm saying? Please leave a comment or visit the Sojourn forum at our home page

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Days Like These Part II

I used to firmly believe that if I work harder AND smarter I will get more and better results. If I'm not getting what I want then simply do more of what I'm doing. Spend more hours, stay up later, and muscle my way into what I want.

I have spent more time working my tail off and getting no results. For a period of time I worked myself sick reaching out to some tough neighborhood kids. Over six years of contact with these children. I have seen no changes. My church has attempted to conduct outreach with very few results.

We do stuff well, and can work hard when called upon. The one thing we don't do well as patiently wait while praying with great vigor. I have to say that at that I am a big failure. I am a man of action. On the whole my actions at church have yielded only small results.

People try to console me, "Oh, you never know what impact you have had on someone's life until we get to heaven."

Nice, but that's not what I hear from missionaries from any number of places. I hear of people eager to embrace the truth/Good News of the Bible, and the evidence of lives changed. There are always those who talk a good line, but whose lives never evidence any change, but my efforts have run at nearly a 90% failure rate.

Every failure is a life.

It's crazy to do the same thing over and over and expect the different results. I know that I need to spend the greatest efforts in consuming the Bible and spending time in prayer with God. When I talk about prayer, I mean the type that is an close communion with HIM.

I'm no good at that. It seems passive. I want to be active. I want to do and achieve.

The Bible says that there is a way that seems right to a man, but that way leads to death. I'm the poster child for that verse. At least in terms of my efforts leading to dead ends. It is only when I am yielding my self to God, that I see results. It is HE who does the work, and wins the battle. I'm privileged to be the instrument in His hand.

So, I get results by giving up on my own personal agenda, and getting into close personal relationship with God. From that my desires and direction will reflect my love and devotion to HIM. My "success" will be defined by HIS will, and my results will be from HIS hand.

I think I get it.

Comments, please. Your feedback is welcome.
