Sojourn - Thoughts From The Band

Blog for postings from the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Sojourn. Includes musings and thoughts from band members, reports on concerts, and whatever floats through our minds.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Jerry Falwell (is that a bad word these days?), in his "Falwell Confidential" recently brought attention to a situation in India that immediately caught my attention. It has to do with Christians being abused simply becuase of their faith.

Mr Fallwell said this:
"All over the world, Christians are persecuted for their faith. Some are jailed for meeting in non-state-sanctioned house churches; some are beaten because they dare to express faith in Jesus Christ; some are beaten and killed when they refuse to renounce their faith in Christ." Hope Givers International of India . EMI and Hope Givers sponsor and run orphanages in India.

Compass Direct reports "March 16 (Compass) – Rajasthan state police officers today arrested the Rev. Dr. Samuel Thomas, president of Emmanuel Mission International (EMI) and son of Archbishop M.A. Thomas, EMI’s founder. "

Michael Glenn, who directs Hope Givers said, "Pray for our ongoing efforts to negotiate the release of Dr. Thomas. His leadership is urgently needed at the Hope Home orphanages and hospital we support in Kota. The longer this harassment goes on, the more the welfare of the children and patients will suffer."

Mr. Falwell, staff and students at Liberty University have launched an international prayer chain, and are asking for anyone willing to pray for Dr. Thomas. Please, join me in praying for this courageous Christian man. However, perhaps it's best not to spend most of your time praying for his safe release. Instead put the most of your efforts into praying that he will be a bold witness for Christ at every opportunity, and that both EMI and Hope Givers will sense God's presence and direction. Pray that these two vital ministries will emerge far stronger and even more vital after this experience.

I'll be praying that Dr. Thomas will indeed be freed, and that when he is set free, that he will see clear evidence that God was powerfully directing and prospering the work of Hope Givers and EMI while he was in jail.

What more powerful message could there be to the world? "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Hope Givers and EMI are God's efforts to bring comfort and hope to orphaned children in India. No person can stop that or hinder the work if God wiants it to continue.


Please, let me know



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