So What's New With The Band

Some of you may be wondering what's new with the band, and what's going on.
Well, this past Sunday, we had our annual performance at the Newberg Norton Drive-In Bible Church ( This is always an enjoyable evening for the band, as Bob Tomlinson and the congregation have always been very supportive of Sojourn. We appreciate that. This particular performance was a special "unplugged" performance, due to drummer John Chapman having a previous commitment. To help augment the sound, we invited along special guest lead guitarist Jim Cash, from the group Crosswise ( The day was filled with rain, so the typical "outdoor" service was moved inside, which meant two straight concerts where "rain" was an issue (we got rained out at Festival, but at least Drive-In church has an alternate plan). Jim and Dean held down the guitar parts, Tim was on the acoustic/electric bass, and Adam did a fine job handling both lead vocals and hand percussions. The evening went fairly well, with the exception of a major lyric mishap on the song "Not The Same Thing". For the first time I know of, we actually stopped the song and restarted. We recovered, and it became more of a comedic moment for the evening.
Coming up for July 2, we are going to be performing in downtown Cadillac at the city pavilion. This is the same day the city is celebrating Independence Day, so there will be plenty going on. This is a return invite for us, so we are looking forward to it. We are always encouraged by invitations to return to a particular event, and this one was quite a bit of fun last year. If you are in the central West Michigan area and have the time, stop out on July 2. Music starts at 6pm, but community events are going on all day around the park downtown.
The rest of the summer is has performances coming at St. Joseph Michigan's "Venetian Festival", "Faith Fest" over by Detroit, and August has Sojourn booked at the first "God Is Movin" Fest at Kent County fairgrounds in Lowell Michigan. So, we have quite a bit going on this summer.
At this point, consideration is being given to taking the fall off from live performance, to write and develop new material with John Chapman. This year has mostly been comprised of performing material that has been with us for over a year, so new songs need to be added.
Thanks to all who continue to support Sojourn, and we welcome any comments or suggestions.
Contact us at
Thanks for reading,
Tim Hamm
Sojourn bass guy