Sojourn - Thoughts From The Band

Blog for postings from the Grand Rapids, Michigan based band Sojourn. Includes musings and thoughts from band members, reports on concerts, and whatever floats through our minds.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween - Playing Dress Up Everyday

This post isn't really about Halloween. It's about playing dress-up.

For me there has always been this struggle over how much of the real me I reveal at work and how much I put on an appearance for the benefit of the people around me.

As an adult with Asperger Syndrome (read more) I have to carefully filter out a lot of who I am so that I can successfully interact with the neurotypical world. Unfortunately, I have a hard time turning off the filter at the right time.

I know, you thinking, everyone has that problem.

Granted. So help me understand how to quit play acting and starting sharing my faith at work in a dynamic and compelling way. I'm busy enough reminding myself not to rock back and forth at my desk and not to say half the stuff that comes into my mind. There's a million other things.

I can't be myself and keep my job. So, how do I let enough of my faith seep through that I have the opportunity to plainly and clearly share Christ?

I don't know, but I want to.



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